CBAC 2025 Spring Show: The Art of Food
What does ‘food’ mean to you? What do we do to ‘put food on the table’? Where exactly does food come from? Are we what we eat? We hope this theme takes the phrase ‘food for thought’ to a new level!
RECEPTION on Thurs., March 6, from 5-7 p.m. Light refreshments
LOST IN THE WOODS IMPROV on Thurs., March 20, from 5-7 p.m.
Important Info:
• ALL MEDIA WELCOME: Visual, Literary, and Performance Art.
• ENTRY FEE: $25 or $10 for students under 18 years of age. Submit 1 to 3 pieces of your original art created within the last two years.
and the labels on the reverse side. Firmly attach a label to the front of each piece. At least one piece must be for sale. Place your entry form and fee in an envelope and adhere it to your artwork.
• PHOTOGRAPH YOUR ART FOR THE VIRTUAL TOUR OF THE SHOW. Before framing under glass, take photos and send jpegs to [email protected] by Feb. 24.
File size for each jpeg: ideally 1MB. Include details (title, medium, dimensions).
• DELIVER YOUR ARTWORK to the Washburn Cultural Center (1 E. Bayfield St., Washburn, WI) on Feb. 26-27 between noon and 4 p.m. You may pick up artwork on March 29-30 between noon and 4 p.m.
• VIEWING THE SHOW: Exhibit opens
March 6. WCC hours are: Thurs.-Sun., noon to 4 p.m. OR by appointment; call (715) 373-5591 to arrange an after-hours visit. The virtual tour will be at
• The Washburn Cultural Center receives a
30% commission for any artwork sold during the exhibition. Please consider this when pricing your work.
• 2-dimensional artwork must be dry, framed, and ready to hang, with screw eyes or strap hangers and appropriately sized picture wires that will hold the weight of the artwork. Works without hanging wires and sawtooth hangers (on works over 12” x 12”) will not be accepted.
• 3-dimensional artwork, such as sculpture, ceramics, or carvings must be stable for pedestals or shelf installation. For large or unusual entries, the artist must provide appropriate display units AND/OR clearly written installation instructions.
• The Cultural Center will be responsible for the day-to-day safekeeping of your artwork but does NOT carry insurance on the artwork. Artists are responsible for insuring their own works.
• PRIZES will be awarded
• Contacts:
Joanne Meierhofer (715) 979-1677

CALL TO ARTISTS Artists Squared Gallery & Washburn Forward Together “Love Stories for the Lakefront”
July 2025 is Homecoming in Washburn, and The WCC will be a well-visited destination. Your art will be seen and experienced by many.
*Opening Reception Wed, July 2, 2025, 5-7 PM
*Finale Reception Event, Thurs. July 24, 4-6 PM: Readings, Music, Performances, Awards
Artists Squared Gallery is sponsoring this event with Washburn Forward Together (WFT) and is grateful to The Washburn Cultural Center (WCC) the Chequamegon Bay Arts Council (CBAC), and the Washburn Chamber of Commerce for their collaboration on this event. WFT is a non-profit organization which promotes a vision for Washburn of economic vitality and environmental sustainability, where people and nature thrive.
Submit your interest in participating by email or by mail on the form below by April 15th, 2025. You do not have to have your art form finalized at the time you indicate your interest. If your submission requires a fee, you may pay at any time, or you may pay when delivering your work to the WCC for the show’s installation at the end of June. Refunds will be made if you decide not to participate. You may pay by cash when you deliver your work to WCC or by checks made out to Washburn Forward Together. WFT
address: PO Box 534, Washburn, WI 54891. Contact Susan or John at
[email protected], or text to 952-923-5222 for questions or further details. Your participation will be confirmed by email.