About CBAC

The Chequamegon Bay Arts Council is a member-oriented, non-profit organization promoting the arts in northern Wisconsin. Run by a dynamic all-volunteer Board of Directors, CBAC supports local arts and believes a vibrant arts community invigorates the community at large.
The Board of Directors meets on the second Monday of every month at 5:00pm at the Washburn Cultural Center.
2025 Board Members: LeeAnn Frey, Dorota Bussey, Ann Christianson, Sharon Stewart, Kathleen Broadwell, Chris Lindsey, Joanne Meierhofer, Trisha Miller, Ed Vocke, Scogin Zimmermann-Mayo and Joe Groshek
Our Mission
The Chequamegon Bay Arts Council is a non-profit member organization that supports, develops, and promotes art and artists in northern Wisconsin. CBAC was established in 1981 and accomplishes the mission by providing:
Grants and scholarships in support of artistic development, creation, and presentation
Communication with members and the public through various media
Art exhibitions, workshops, and special events, including annual fundraising and
Membership activities designed to enable us to meet our goals
Our Vision
To assure that residents and visitors have access to art’s enriching possibilities
Our Values
Because we believe that:
- The arts enrich lives, promote community, foster creativity and showcase diverse cultural perspectives in positive ways
- The arts foster understanding of our unique place through time
- Artists need assistance to grow, so our orgainzation invests in the future of the arts